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Following Are the Weapons Taught in Bredan Fou Martial Arts Style :-


Bredan Fou is the first ever martial arts in Pakistan in which Three Section has been introduced and taught.


Knife is a martial arts weapon for self defense and martial arts training whether for competitions or attack prevention.




The Nunchaku is no doubt the most well known of the weapons. It is basically two sticks connected to each other by a string or chain.




The Baton is one of the famous weapons. It is mostly used in martial arts.




Tonfa is wooden rice husking tool; as combat weapon it could block attacks when rested along the forearm; also used to jab or club.




Defensive or offensive weapon used in personal combat for cutting and thrusting to inflict injury against an opponent. Primary components are a blade and hilt. The blade is elongated, sharp on one or both cutting edges, tapering to a sharp point.




Stick is the known weapon used in martial arts.It is also a popular weapon used for combat in ancients times till now.





The spear was an ancient instrument of war and hunting, and was introduced into heraldry under various forms. Generally called a lance




The kamas is an ancient instrument of martial arts styles, and was introduced into various forms.

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